করনা প্রতিরোধে হাঁচি-কাশির শিষ্টাচার মেনে চলুন। অপরিষ্কার হাত দিয়ে চোখ, নাক ও মুখ স্পর্শ্ করা থেকে বিরত থাকুন। অ্যালকোহল যুক্ত হ্যান্ড স্যানিটাইজার হাতের তালুতে নিয়ে ( 20 সেকেন্ড ) ভাল করে পরিষ্কার করুন। ব্যবহৃত টিস্যু ঢাকনা যুক্ত ডাস্টবিনে ফেলুন। পরিচিত বা অপরিচিত ব্যক্তির সাথে হাত মেলানো বা আলিঙ্গন করা থেকে বিরত থাকুন। আক্রান্ত ব্যক্তি থেকে নিরাপদ দূরত্বে থাকুন।

The United States will help prevent corruption

The United States will assist in building the institutional capacity to prevent corruption, including the training of Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) officials. Apart from this, US Ambassador to Bangladesh Peter D. Haas said that the US government will continue to cooperate in activities related to follow the money and money laundering prevention.

US Ambassador to Dhaka Peter D. Haas paid a courtesy call on Chairman Mohammad Moinuddin Abdullah at the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) office at Segunbagicha in the capital yesterday. Sources said that he gave this assurance there. At that time, Scott Brandom, political and economic secretary of the US Embassy and Sara Edwards, legal resident advisor of the US Department of Justice, were present with the ambassador. Ambassador Peter Haas requested the Anti-Corruption Commission to participate in the 20th International Anti-Corruption Conference to be held from December 6 to 10. He said that representatives of various levels of anti-corruption organizations around the world will be present in this conference.

According to ACC sources, during the meeting, the ACC Chairman thanked the US and US embassies for supporting the Anti-Corruption Commission in anti-corruption and institutional capacity building. He thanked the US government for providing various trainings on anti-corruption since 2016. At this time, the ACC Chairman expressed hope that the new Digital Forensic Lab activities and training cooperation will continue to increase the skills of the officers concerned with it. In the meeting, the Chairman of the ACC informed about the background of the creation of the Anti-Corruption Commission, its activities and the various reform programs taken so far, laws and regulations related to anti-corruption and anti-corruption. Courtesy meeting ACC Secretary Md. Mahbub Hossain and senior officials were present.

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