Nine districts of the country are still at risk of leprosy
The target of eliminating leprosy in Bangladesh by 2030 has been set. However, despite the decrease in leprosy patients in the country, nine districts are still at risk of this disease.
The highest number of leprosy patients are detected in these districts compared to other districts of the country. Among the vulnerable districts are six districts of Rangpur division. The districts are – Rangpur, Nilphamari, Lalmonirhat, Gaibandha, Kurigram and Panchagarh.
Apart from this, a significant number of leprosy patients are also being identified in Meherpur, Moulvibazar and Joypurhat. This information came out in an exchange meeting held between the members of the country's 'People's Federation of Leprosy' along with a delegation of Japan's Sasakawa Health Foundation (SHF) visiting Bangladesh at the Officers Club Auditorium in the capital on Thursday.
In the event, the Director of the Department of Health Professor Dr. Sakil Ahmed presented the keynote. It is said that there were 2 thousand 872 leprosy patients in the country in 2021. Among them, 165 people became physically disabled due to the disease. In 2020, out of two thousand 724 patients, 137 people became disabled. In 2019, there were 3 thousand 638 leprosy patients and 252 disabled patients. In 2018, the total number of patients was 3 thousand 726. Among them, 297 people are disabled. In 2017, 296 out of 2 thousand 757 patients, 192 out of 3 thousand 1 patients in 2016 and 1 thousand 252 out of 11 thousand 91 patients in 1998 became disabled.
Professor Dr. during the presentation of the main article. Sakil Ahmed said, there is no vaccine to prevent leprosy. The affected patient has to be given food and medicine. Earlier this medicine had to be taken for a long time. Now after playing for six months the leper is getting better.
In the speech of the chief guest, the secretary of the health care department of the Ministry of Health. Md. Anwar Hossain Howladar said that all measures will be taken to make Bangladesh free from leprosy by 2030. For this purpose, the necessary allocation will be made in the next operational plan.
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