করনা প্রতিরোধে হাঁচি-কাশির শিষ্টাচার মেনে চলুন। অপরিষ্কার হাত দিয়ে চোখ, নাক ও মুখ স্পর্শ্ করা থেকে বিরত থাকুন। অ্যালকোহল যুক্ত হ্যান্ড স্যানিটাইজার হাতের তালুতে নিয়ে ( 20 সেকেন্ড ) ভাল করে পরিষ্কার করুন। ব্যবহৃত টিস্যু ঢাকনা যুক্ত ডাস্টবিনে ফেলুন। পরিচিত বা অপরিচিত ব্যক্তির সাথে হাত মেলানো বা আলিঙ্গন করা থেকে বিরত থাকুন। আক্রান্ত ব্যক্তি থেকে নিরাপদ দূরত্বে থাকুন।

13 directives of the Ministry of Religion regarding Eid-ul-Azha Jamaat

13 directives of the Ministry of Religion regarding Eid-ul-Azha Jamaat


 The Ministry of Religious Affairs has recently issued a notification with 13 instructions regarding the congregation of Eid-ul-Azha prayers.  Following the rules of health issued by the Department of Health Services for the consideration of public health, the following conditions are called for the performance of Eid-ul-Azhar prayers in the Jamaat Mosque:

 - To be collected at the nearest mosque.  If necessary, more than one congregation can be formed in the same mosque.

 - Carpets cannot be laid in the mosque.

 The entire mosque should be cleaned with disinfectant before the prayers.  The worshipers will each bring Jainamaz on their own responsibility.

 - You have to come to the mosque after performing ablution from home and wash your hands with soap for at least 20 seconds while performing ablution.

 - To prevent coronavirus infection, soap / hand sanitizer should be kept in the azure place of the mosque.

 - Soap-water with hand sanitizer / hand washing system should be kept at the entrance of the mosque.

 - You have to come to the mosque after the mask.  Jainamaz and hats preserved in the mosque cannot be used.

 - In the case of standing in a queue during the Eid prayers, one has to follow the social distance and hygiene rules and stand in a row, ie one row should be left empty between the two rows.

 - Children, old people, sick people of any kind and people engaged in the service of the sick should not participate in the congregation of Eid prayers.

 - For the protection of the public, the guidelines of the health care department, local administration and law enforcement agencies must be followed.

 - To prevent coronavirus infection, hugging and shaking hands should be avoided after congregation in the mosque.

 - Khatibs and Imams are requested to offer prayers at the court of the great Rabbul Alamin after the holy Eid-ul-Azha prayers to save them from the coronavirus epidemic.

 - Khatibs, Imams, Mosque Management Committees and local administrations are requested to ensure implementation of the issues and the instructions of the Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock should be followed properly in case of animal sacrifice.

 - The local administration, law enforcement agencies, public representatives, officials and employees of the Islamic Foundation and the management committee of the concerned mosque will implement the above mentioned instructions to prevent the deadly coronavirus infection.

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